We Are Trades Workplace Inclusion Training

Having more women and gender diverse people working in the trades just makes sense. But it’s not that easy. Market demand is high, recruitment is a challenge, and retaining skilled tradespeople is hard work.  The We Are Trades toolkit and training series helps businesses implement positive changes in manageable ways.

We Are Trades is a three part workshop series where companies will receive a toolkit, complete with a progress checklist to track your goals, that will teach how to attract, retain, and advance a gender diverse workforce.

Workshops follow the four core phases of the We Are Trades toolkit: 1) Commit, 2) Create, 3) Strengthen, and 4) Sustain.


Step 1: Develop your business case. Why should women and gender diverse people be included in the skilled trades workforce?

Step 2: Asses where you are with inclusion practices. Look at your existing hiring, training, and management.

*Receive and complete your Commit Phase Checklist


Step 3: Build new practices to recruit and support a more diverse team.

Step 4: Create inclusive orientation and onboarding supports, appropriate mentoring, and sponsorship supports.

*Receive and complete your Create Phase Checklist


Step 5: Retaining diverse talent.

Step 6: Foster inclusive workplace cultures.

Step 7: Create and use procedures to address sexual harassment and discrimination.

Step 8: Use advancement tools to strengthen women and gender diverse people.

*Receive and complete your Strengthen Phase Checklist


Step 9: Review and measure progress.

Step 10: Sustain your inclusion efforts.

*Review and complete your Sustain Phase Checklist

We Are Trades, delivered by Shift Change, is an innovative approach in partnership with The Canadian Coalition of Women in Engineering, Science, Trades and Technology (CCWESTT). CCWESTT has granted Shift Change permission to deliver their trainings to work one-on-one with companies as they complete each phase of the We Are Trades Toolkit.

Learn more about We Are Trades and its development.

“We join you where you are, and offer practical tools, resources and coaching along the way. You can be part of the change that helps our province, and your bottom line, grow.”

Corrie, Shift Change Facilitator

Sign up for a free consult and chat with Devin West, Shift Change Coordinator | d.west@ywcahalifax.com