Emergency Funds for Survivors of Gender-based Violence

The hidden price of leaving your abuser often feels like a barrier no one else can see. Our microloans with no interest and grants that don’t need to be repaid are here to help survivors access the resources they need and cover costs to safely leave abusive relationships and situations.

If you are not sure of what steps you’re ready to take, we can also provide resource and program referrals to help you find what supports fit your needs.

Gender-based violence and abuse can be physical and emotional. Insults, threats, manipulation, control, stalking, yelling, blocking your movements, pushing, hitting, sexual assault, can all be acts of abuse and gender-based violence.

Abuse can happen in romantic relationships, in friendships, in families, and in workplaces. It can also happen between acquaintances and strangers.

If you are asking “am I in an abusive relationship?” or how to leave an abusive situation please reach out to the December 6th Fund team at december6@ywcahalifax.com.
We believe you and are here to help.

Non-Interest Bearing Microloan Funds: The December 6th Fund

The December 6th Fund offers non-interest-bearing microloans of up to $500 for women and gender diverse people fleeing abuse. The microloan can cover housing-related costs including but not limited to, damage deposits, rent, utilities, arrears, moving or storage payments, and phone and internet bills.

Eligibility Requirements

Women, Two Spirit, gender diverse, transgender, and non-binary people 18 years or older, living in Nova Scotia, who are fleeing, or have recently fled, abuse or violence.

Applicants need a source of income (income assistance or other benefits are acceptable), and have their own bank account, or be willing to open one during the application process. Applicants living outside the Halifax Regional Municipality will need to provide a referral letter from a support organization

How to Apply

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. Contact the Program Coordinator to begin. This includes an initial screening call, an intake appointment, and a follow-up appointment.

Contact Details

Angela (She/Her)
(782) 414-5715

“It is not easy to just leave. It takes money and support and you need a safe place to go. I was able to leave a bad situation and make a safe environment for myself and my kids.”


Non-Repayable Grants: National Emergency Survivor Support Fund (NESS)

The National Emergency Survivor Support Fund (NESS) provides one-time grant of up to $1,000 to women and gender diverse people exiting abusive or unsafe living situations. Funding can help participants flee violence or build stability by covering damage deposits, utilities, moving or storage fees, gender affirming care costs, or phone and internet bills.

Eligibility Requirements

The NESS Fund is open to women, Two Spirit, gender diverse, transgender, and non-binary people are 16 years of age or older. Applicants must be seeking support to exit violence or regain stability after an experience of violence.

Applicants need a source of income (income assistance or other benefits are acceptable), and have their own bank account, or be willing to open one during the application process.

Applicants living outside the Halifax Regional Municipality will need to provide a referral letter from a support organization.

How to Apply

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. Contact the Program Coordinator to begin. This includes an initial screening call, an intake appointment, and a follow-up appointment.

Contact Details

Angela (She/Her)
(782) 414-5715