Position Statements

View YWCA Halifax Position Statements to learn more about the values and service delivery philosophies that inform our programming and supports.

Our Voices

What every Nova Scotian needs to know about childcare and COVID19 
For Nova Scotians caring for and living with young children, the wholesale closure of schools and daycares while prohibiting contact with potential caregivers who are not immediate household members has meant that the full-time care of our province’s…
Feminist Solidarity With Black Lives Matter and Anti-Racism
As an intersectional feminist organization committed to social justice and anti-oppression, we also see racism at the individual and systemic levels nationally and locally here in Nova Scotia.  We know that people of colour in our community…
The Role of Gender-Based Violence in Fatal Mass Shootings
We at YWCA Halifax, along with many others, suspected this event may be rooted in violence against women.  We already know that the men in Toronto’s van murders and the Montreal Polytechnique shootings were both fueled by misogyny.  As details have…
YWCA Halifax: We Continue to Serve in COVID19
YWCA Halifax has been serving our community for nearly 150 years.  To put this into perspective, we supported women and girls in Halifax during both World Wars, the Spanish Flu outbreak of 1918 and the peak of polio in the early 20th century.  We’ve…