Feminist Solidarity With Black Lives Matter and Anti-Racism

June 1, 2020

Like many of you, we have been following closely the news coming from the US and Toronto with respect to the many manifestations of anti-Black racism.

As an intersectional feminist organization committed to social justice and anti-oppression, we also see racism at the individual and systemic levels nationally and locally here in Nova Scotia.  We know that people of colour in our community experience racism and that YWCA Halifax staff, while in the course of their jobs, experience discrimination based on their race.  We also know that many of the people we have the privilege to serve are marginalized because of gender and also because of race and Indigeneity.

We stand with local Black activists and those organizations who have dedicated themselves to this cause and who have, for a very long time, worked to bring issues of racism to light. They are working for the systemic changes needed.  

YWCA Halifax also stands with the diverse members of our Board and staff team who have put in a tremendous amount of work within our agency and in our broader community.

The values of YWCA Halifax include diversity, inclusion, equity, security, and respect.  We stand against policies, procedures, and practices that contradict these values and perpetuate systemic racism.

Our staff and community are encouraged to participate in local advocacy, seek out opportunities to attend community events, and to meaningfully join in the difficult conversations required.  Our staff and community are also encouraged to be informed and be committed to work toward a just society where people of colour are represented and seen in positions of power and can live in safety and security with the knowledge that their lives matter.

We are doing our own work internally at YWCA Halifax and know we have much still to do.  Part of this is to exercise our voice in taking a position on the issues that matter to all people in our community.  We must not and cannot remain silent and YWCA Halifax is committed to the ongoing fight against racism.  That is our promise to you.